Bi-metal CF flange connections

DN 63

DN 200

CF flanges are a standard for UHV applications. They can be heated out and are suitable for pressures less than 1×10-12 mbar. In many cases 1.4301/1.4307 is sufficient, but if higher requirements are needed, e.g. regarding material strength or lowest possible magnetizability, 1.4429 ESU is most commonly used.

Since aluminum is becoming increasingly popular in the vacuum industry due to its very low outgassing rate, low magnetizability and excellent machinability, the benefits of our bimetallic CF flanges come into play here. These flanges are fully compatible with the industry standard CF flange. The combination of both materials (aluminum/stainless steel) allows welding to aluminum vacuum chambers with the simultaneous availability of a stainless steel cutting edge.

Our fusion process allows not only standard CF flanges, but also customized solutions, such as special contours or internally cooled flanges.

The following material combinations are feasible:

– Aluminum: EN AW 5754

– Stainless steel: 1.4301, 1.4404, 1.4429 ESU

Helium leakage test:

Q < 1 x 10-9 mbar l/s

Applicable temperature range:

-196 °C to +250 °C


< 1,005

We hope this article has aroused your interest and are looking forward to your feedback.

If you have any questions about CF flanges or a special application, please feel free to contact us.

Obituary for our esteemed colleague Dr. Peter Strehl

Last Wednesday we received the news of the sudden death of our esteemed colleague and consultant Dr. Peter Strehl. For decades, Dr. Strehl was in close contact with NTG through his many professional positions and functions.

In 2011 NTG had taken over the company PET, which he had co-founded. Since this time the cooperation intensified. Dr. Strehl became a valued consultant especially in the field of beam diagnostics.

We have fond memories of joint visits to conferences or to customers visits on site.  His passionate dedication, expertise and experience always left a deep impression on us. The cooperation with us always rested on an extremely collegial and friendly basis.

We will always have pleasant memories of you!

IBF 700R for large format optics

The IBF 700R was designed for processing large-format optics. The compact design requires minimal space.

As with all systems in the R series, this system is supplied without an loadlock; however, thanks to an innovative pump concept including a Meissner trap with cryogenic pump, short workpiece changeover times can be realised.

The IBF 700R is suitable for workpiece dimensions up to 900x900x200mm with a maximum processable surface of 700×700, as well as a weight of 250Kg including workpiece carrier.

Available in-situ measuring systems reduce the assembly time of the workpieces, as the position of these on the carrier can be measured directly within the system.

The system is complemented by the TD 700R turning device, with which the optics can be ergonomically positioned and mounted on the workpiece holder.

Here you can find detailed information

NTG at tumor therapy

A veteran of accelerator technology is currently with us for initial service work after 15 years and approx. 100,000 hours of continuous operation in clinical use for the treatment of tumour diseases with heavy ion beams. More precisely, it is a radiofrequency quadrupole structure (RFQ) for the pre-acceleration of light elements up to carbon. This component is the prelude to a series of further accelerator stages before the ion beam finally leaves the vacuum area and, after a short drift through the atmosphere, enters the body of a patient to unfold its destructive effect with pinpoint accuracy in the tumorous tissue area. The cooling circuit has now been overhauled by means of a minimally invasive procedure. We wish our therapist many more successful hours of operation. – stay cool!

Here you will find more information about particle accelerator


Manufacturing of vacuum components, cleaning and installation on site

The system consists of 22 mirror chambers mounted on a steel frame or granite block, optical tables (breadboards) for each chamber which are mechanically decoupled and independently adjustable in height, approx. 107m of DN500 pipe, various vacuum slides, steel frames, pipe supports, granite blocks and a complete vacuum system.

All vacuum components were cleaned under clean room conditions to avoid any particles on the surface.

The assembly of the frames and granite blocks took place under ISO7 cleanroom conditions followed by the assembly of the individual components under ISO5 conditions segment by segment.

We are looking forward to your inquiry