The 25th World’s Leading Trade Fair and Congress for Photonics Components, Systems and Applications will be held as a face-to-face event

 from April 26. to 29. 2022 in Munich

LASER World of PHOTONICS is the world’s leading platform for the laser and photonics industry. The Trade Fair for Photonics Components, Systems and Applications, sets standards since 1973—in size, diversity and relevance. And that with a first-rate portfolio. This is the only place that features the combination of research, technology and applications. Because it deals with a key crossover technology, LASER also addresses other important industrial sectors such as material processing, measuring, testing and inspection, optical data transmission and lasers in medicine. LASER`s special significance is due to its unique combination of users, laser-source manufacturers and system suppliers.


Visit us in Hall B6 Booth 245

Joint booth CCUPOB

Young people are our future, worth investing in!

Disorientation in the world of “too much”

The world of unlimited possibilities not only offers freedom, it also provides disorientation.

As a company that provides apprenticeships, we have already noticed for years that this is also becoming apparent in the choice of profession. Where once there were only a few apprenticeship occupations to choose from, new occupational profiles are now emerging almost daily. Which doesn’t necessarily make the decision any easier for young people. The general pressure to perform from outside is also steadily increasing.

The result is that more and more teenager, especially younger children, are getting caught up in the addiction spiral.

In the minds of the “older generation,” the heroin junkie in train station bathrooms is stored as an image of the typical addict, so many parents don’t realise that non-substance-related addictions such as the internet or smart phone addiction, self-expression in social media, eating disorders and shopping addiction also pose a serious danger.

In addition, everything is available at any time due to the worldwide networking. Unfortunately, not only beneficial!

The stimulation or disengagement, through easily available substances on the Internet, is already frighteningly normal for many of our children.

Education is more important than ever!

That is why we are very happy to support the association for “Sucht – und Jugendhilfe e.V.” in financing a specialist guidebook for drug education in schools, which will encourage young people and parents to find out about the dangers of addiction and hopefully provide an impulse to take a different path.

If you would also like to support the future of our children, you can find more information here: Sucht- und Jugendhilfe e.V.

12th HLEM 2022 – High Level Expert Meeting – Asphere Metrology

The 12th High Level Expert Meeting (HLEM) will be held online again this year – on MARCH 15 and 16, 2022.

In the field of asphere metrology, many new advancements were achieved, new measurement procedures were developed and precision was noticeably improved. In previous High-Level Expert Meetings (HLEM) and workshops, developers, manufacturers and users have confirmed the great interest in asphere metrology.


In order to manufacture ultra-precise and high-tech optical components and to be capable of further miniaturization, reliable and extremely precise measurement technology is required. Both the introduced measurement systems as well as the results of round robin measurements show the enormous potential of this field of technology. In addition, a great need for comparability, standardization and proximity to users was also pointed out.

The upcoming conference is all about the following topics:

■ Presentation of the results of the round robin
■ New developments in measuring techniques for aspherical, free-form and cylindrical lenses
■ Manufacturing and measurement of metal optics
■ Measurement of unmounted aspheres
■ Inner centration of aspheres
■ Other topics related to asphere and free-form metrology or production

Download here the current program

Multi-function machine INTEGREX e500-H

With a little delay, our new multi-function machine for the processing of large workpieces has arrived!

With this acquisition NTG has extended the process integration in the turning and milling area by a considerable amount.

What distinguishes the INTEGREX e-H series is the unification of all machining processes – from the feeding of the raw material to the final machining – in a single machine. This significantly increases the machining accuracy. (DONE-IN-ONE principle)

Machining diameter           820mm

Machining length               3.000

Rotating spindle speed     3,300 rpm

Speed milling spindle       10.000rpm


We are looking forward to your inquiries

HALPS Beam Transport Vacuum-System with Support Structures

The system manufactured, shipped and installed by NTG consists of 22 mirror chambers mounted on a steel rack or granite block, optical tables (breadboards) for each chamber which are mechanically decoupled and independently adjustable in height, 103m of DN500 pipe, various vacuum slides, steel racks, pipe supports, granite blocks and a complete vacuum system.

The challenge in this project was to deliver components that were very clean and low in particles. All components coming into contact with the vacuum were electropolished and thoroughly cleaned under clean room conditions to avoid hydrocarbon residues, contamination and particles on the surface.

The assembly of the vacuum components took place in sections under ISO5 conditions.

For more information on vacuum technology and our UHV chambers, click here

For specific enquiries – please contact us