Pushing the Limits II
In addition to the new development of small optics ion beam figuring by means of a 40µm ion beam last year (for more Informations click here), we are currently extending the range of our ion beam sources to the processing of large optics.
In addition to our ion beam processing systems for machinable optical diameters from 1mm to 2000mm, which are already in use worldwide, this system opens up the range for machinable diameters above 2000mm with a high volume removal rate.
Our new tool, currently in commissioning, delivers an ion beam width in the range of 120mm to 200mm (half width of the Gaussian shape) at an extraction voltage in the range of 0.6 kV to 1.5kV with the working gas argon. First plasma, beam and material removal tests are planned for the next weeks.
We will keep you informed.